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Justice restaurative : une autre manière de prendre en compte et d’accompagner victimes et auteurs d’infractions

Justice restaurative: une autre manière de prendre en compte et d’accompagner victimes et auteur·e·s d’infractions Jeudi 7 novembre  2019 au Cinéma CityClub de Pully Inscriptions closes   Descriptif Programme Film de François Kohler Informations pratiques La justice restaurative peut nouer le dialogue...

Interroger le travail social sous l’angle des études et expériences trans*

Interroger le travail social sous l’angle des études et expériences trans* Mercredi 20 novembre  2019 à la Haute école de travail social et de la santé, Lausanne   Descriptif Programme Conférences Informations pratiques Interroger les pratiques en travail social et dans la recherche sous l’angle des études,...


What is the HETSL ? The HETSL offers Bachelor's level courses in Social Work [Fr] and Occupational therapy [ Fr ] . Its teaching is practice-oriented and prepares tomorrow’s professionals to be involved at the heart of society. Within the HES-SO, the HETSL participates in Master level courses in its fields of expertise, thus offering its graduates the possibility...

Mobilisation Covid-19

Plateforme Mobilisation COVID-19 COVID-19 : les étudiant·e·s de la HETSL s’engagent sur le terrain   Bienvenue sur la plateforme de mobilisation des étudiant·e·s de la HETSL. Au vu de l’évolution très préoccupante de la pandémie de Covid-19 et ses conséquences sur le système socio-sanitaire vaudois, la Haute école de travail social et de la santé Lausanne (HETSL) et l'association ...


Recherches et Doctorats Retrouvez ci-dessous les différentes recherches et projets de doctorats dans lesquels est impliqué le Réseau OHS. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous avez des propositions ou des souhaits de collaboration.   Intitulé de la recherche Période Exploring participation in everyday life activities outside home for people with early...

Gender and Social work (GeTS)

Domains of expertise Its activities are deployed in four dimensions: establishing and expanding the available courses in gender studies, both at Bachelor and Master levels as well as for continuined education conducting research on social work from a gender perspective and apply it to the professional field through feminist intervention responding to service requests from...

Expertise Networks

Expertise Networks The HETSL benefits from 4 expertise networks . By bringing together crossed competences in their specific fields, they allow the development of teaching, research and cutting-edge services.   Age, ageing and end-of-life (AVIF) Network directors Alexandre Lambelet Associate HES Professeur António...

Social Participation of people with neurodevelopmental disorders (Neurodev)

Presentation Some people who have neurodevelopmental disorders are likely to experience difficulties to fully participate in society . These difficulties may manifest themselves in childhood, for example, when the child cannot follow a traditional educational path and then adequate training, and continue into adulthood when it comes to being professionally active.   ...

New Feminist Questions journal (NQF)

New Feminist Questions journal (NQF) (Nouvelles Questions Fémininstes, NQF) Founded in 1981 by Simone de Beauvoir, Christine Delphy, Claude Hennequin and Emmanuèle de Lesseps, NQF is the successor to the magazine “Questions Féministes” created in 1977. Since 2001, NQF has had a Franco-Swiss editorial board under the responsibility of Christine Delphy and Patricia Roux. This...