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Afficher les résultats 101 à 110 de 275.

Feminist interventions

Feminist Interventions In developing feminist interventions, we want to build bridges between feminist research and social work. This approach brings together researchers and field professionals to think about and implement practices that promote equality. Among the activities planned to date are conferences, training days and the setting up of a feminist research partnership. ...

ASD observatory

Autism Spectrum Disorders Observatory (ASD Observatory) ASD Observatory As part of the network of competences "Social participation of people with neurodevelopmental disorders (Neurodev)", the Autism Spectrum Disorders Observatory (ASD Observatory) is a centre for research, analysis and evaluation of the situation of people with autism in French-speaking Switzerland....

Services and Research

Services and Research Research The AVIF competence network is active in the field of scientific research and its dissemination. AVIF researchers publish in various scientific journals and magazines. See our publications Services provided The members of the network respond to requests for training, expertise, evaluation, surveys, conferences or symposia, etc. related to...

Health and Social work Research laboratory (LaReSS)

What is the LaReSS ? The LaReSS is an interdisciplinary research laboratory bringing together teaching and research staff in Social work and Occupational therapy from the University of Social Work and Health - Lausanne (HETSL), one of the sites of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO). Research advances theory, solves practical problems and informs teaching. The...

Service Provision at the HETSL

Service Provision at the HETSL Are you looking for : an expert for training, supervision, survey analysis, evaluation, conference, colloquium, etc.? We offer : various services in our areas of expertise – Social work and Health - with a focus on social work and occupational therapy. Please do not hesitate to ask for an offer of services.   What...

HETSL Editions

Enjeux des territoires pour l'animation socioculturelle Actes du IXe colloque du Réseau international de l'animation CHF 30.00 Le défi de l'accompagnement des personnes âgées en institution CHF 25.00 Politiques sociales comparées CHF 30.00 L'action communautaire Une praxis citoyenne et...


Planet research Since February 2004, the Health and Social work Research Laboratory (LaReSS) has been organising meetings on research issues in the fields of health and social sciences. These forums make it possible to find out about the various research projects that are underway or have been completed and encourage collaboration and consultation in order to bring together the strengths...

Age, ageing and end-of-life (AVIF)

Domains of expertise The members of our network work in particular on the issues associated with: old age and ageing; social policies in relation to the affected members of; the work of professionals; relations between generations; support at the end of life; death and bereavement. The following is a more detailed description of the different areas of specific expertise of our members: ...

Proches-Aidant·e·s, un Service des Étudiant·e·s en Santé (PAuSES)

Soutien proposé Les services d’accompagnement et de soutien aux proches aidant·e·s sont proposés dans les cantons de Berne, Fribourg, Genève, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais et Vaud, sous réserve de la disponibilité d’un·e étudiant·e. Les étudiant·e·s peuvent offrir : un accompagnement lors d’activités de tout type, avec ou sans la présence de la personne proche aidante ; une présence...